The High Alcohol Preferring (HAP1) and Low Alcohol Preferring (LAP1) mouse lines were selectively bred for differences in alcohol intake.
The HAP1 and LAP1 mice are essentially non-inbred lines that originated from an outbred colony of HS/Ibg mice, a heterogeneous stock developed from intercrossing 8 inbred strains of mice.
In a former genomewide SNP association study, we identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, and 9 (Bice et al. 2009). Provisional QTL were also identified on chromosomes 8 and X.
In the present study, using the same F2 DNA samples, we placed a much denser set of SNPs within each of those QTL regions. Using the same analytical approach employed previously, which utilizes ancestral recombination to fine map the QLT interval, we obtained significant LOD scores on chromosomes 1, 3, and 9, only.
Our results using a dense set of SNP markers suggest that there are multiple loci contributing to alcohol preference on those three chromosomes.
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