For many individuals with substance use conditions and their families, the provision of recovery support services (RSS) is critical to achieving a greater quality of life. Yet, RSS are often insufficiently funded throughout the prevention, treatment, and recovery continuum of care largely due to funding constraints and a lack of information about alternative funding options.
RSS are wide-ranging and should be provided based on the needs of individuals and their families. RSS are nonclinical services that assist individuals and families working toward recovery from substance use conditions.
They include social supports and services such as child care, employment services, housing, peer coaching, and drug-free social activities.
This report provides information about the funding sources that support RSS throughout the continuum of care. Existing literature, policies, statutes, and regulations were reviewed to identify funding streams for RSS. Medicaid, the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant, the Access to Recovery (ATR) grant program, the Recovery Community Services Program (RCSP), State and local funding, and other funding streams were reviewed and analyzed.
The report describes each funding stream in detail and highlights how the funding source supports the provision of RSS.
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