BBC News (Scotland) - Alcohol price pilot claims 'damage' Scottish Borders
An MSP has criticised a south of Scotland colleague who suggested the Borders should pilot plans for a minimum price per unit of alcohol. (UK) - Academic stress 'pushing young girls to alcohol and cigarettes'
Academic stress and the pressure to look attractive are driving young girls to alcohol and cigarettes, according to a study by the Girl Guides.
Herald Scotland (Scotland) - Minimum pricing will help reduce the human cost of alcohol abuse
The opposition parties are acting irresponsibly over the Scottish Government’s proposals to introduce a minimum alcohol price of 45p per unit (“Sturgeon sets the minimum price of alcohol at 45p a unit”, The Herald, September 3).
USA Today - 3 to 4 drinks per week may raise risk of breast cancer's return
Drinking even moderate amounts of alcohol may raise the risk for breast cancer recurrence in some women, new research indicates.
Sunday Business Post (Ireland) - Government advised to ban alcohol firms from sponsoring sporting events
Proposals to ban sponsorship of sports and other events by drinks companies are expected to be included in a report to government to be finalised next month, writes Pat Leahy. - Fetal Brain Size Affected by Alcohol Consumption
Mothers who continue to drink even at an early stage of pregnancy do not only endanger themselves but their babies as well.
FLEXNEWS (Kenya) - Kenyan Market Frets Over Impact of New Alcohol Law
A new Kenyan alcohol law could open up East African Breweries to competition, with micro-brewers springing up to capitalise on the legalisation of traditional liquors, analysts said.
Helsinki Times (Finland) - Doctors to order alcohol locks for risk patients
A law enabling Finnish doctors to recommend alcohol locks on the cars of patients who consume a lot of alcohol is to come into use soon, according to regional daily Aamulehti on Monday.
AFP (Russia) - Russians urged to smoke, drink more
Smoke and drink more, Russia's finance minister Alexei Kudrin urged citizens on Wednesday, explaining that higher consumption would help lift tax revenues for spending on social services.
DailyFinance (USA) - Alcohol and College: How Much Money Are Students Really Drinking?
The average college student spends $500 per year on alcohol, according to Rachel Barrington of the University of Wisconsin. (USA) - Millions drive drunk, government study finds
An estimated 17 million people have driven while drunk at least once on U.S. streets and highways in the course of a year, according to a government study released last week. - Judging when alcohol's effects wear off not easy
The way that alcohol impairs reasoning and problem-solving abilities may explain why some people feel they are fit to drive even though they are drunk.
MedIndia (Sweden) - Privatizing Retail Alcohol Sales in Sweden Will Escalate Alcohol-Related Violence
Privatizing Sweden's government monopoly on the sale of alcohol, a study published today in the scientific journal Addiction argues, will significantly increase alcohol-related violence and other harms.
YLE News (Finland) - Psychiatrists Propose Forcing Sobriety on Violent Criminals
Finland's leading forensic psychiatrists are calling for violent convicts to prove their sobriety as a condition for freedom. According to the proposal, prisoners who are considered dangerous should not be released unless they have committed to sobriety.
WHO (Africa) - WHO proposes strategy to reduce harmful use of alcohol
The World Health Organization has proposed a strategy to prevent or at least reduce the harmful use of alcohol and related problems in the African Region.
Alcohol News