YLE News (Finland) - Finns Less Tolerant of Alcohol Consumption
Attitudes towards alcohol consumption and binge drinking in Finland have hardened significantly, with a majority of Finns agreeing on the need for restraint in alcohol use.
Helsinkin Sanomat (Finland) - Nearly 70% would reduce blood-alcohol threshold for drink-driving cases
Finnish attitudes towards binge-drinking are becoming increasingly strict. Bans and restrictions are accepted these days with more relish than in earlier years.
JP.dk (Denmark) - Carlsberg puts alcohol locks on beer trucks
Workers will need to breathe into breathalysers to start their vehicles Brewery giant Carlsberg’s promise to equip their beer trucks with alcohol ignition locks went into force today, and 300 vehicles have been fitted with the devices, reported TV2 News....
The Local (Sweden) - Swedish team targets addict relapse molecule
People who have used cocaine are at a greater risk of becoming addicted even after long drug-free periods, researchers at Linköping University have discovered.
Truck News (Sweden) - Swedes spec'ing alcolocks to prevent impaired truck driving
Volvo has announced that 25% of the trucks it sells in Sweden now come with a factory-fitted alcolock to prevent impaired driving.
ERR News (Estonia) - Alcohol Proves a Factor in 58% of Drownings
In the first eight months of this year, 85 people drowned in Estonia, of whom 72 were men and 49 were under the influence of alcohol.
TopNews United States (Scotland) - New Study: Native Scots Run Twice the Risk of Giving in Due to Alcohol Related Reasons
As per a novel study, native Scots have twofold risk of dying be cause of alcohol related troubles, in comparison to those people from Scotland, who belong the southern border.
FOX43.com (USA) - Colleges Try To Discourage Binge Drinking Among Freshmen
Most colleges have intensive programs designed to educate students about alcohol and drug abuse and to inform them about campus resources to help. For many, including Quinnipiac, UConn and Trinity College, that educational process begins in the summer before freshman year with an online class that also provides administrators with an overall assessment of students' alcohol use before they come to campus.
Helium - Links between alcohol and depression
Serotonin is a neurotransmitters been indicated as a contributing factor in mood disorders. Neurotransmitters are brain chemical that cause an effect in the brain.
Co-Operative News (UK) – Call for UK-wide action on alcohol sales
The Co-operative Group has called on the UK Government to work closely with the Scottish Government after the SNP administration announced plans to introduce minimum pricing for alcohol in an attempt to curb the nation’s drink-related problems.
London Free Press (UK) - Courts must always take drunk driving seriously
Impaired driving has been a scourge on Canadian roads for decades. While campaigns have been waged, warnings issued and laws tightened, drinking and driving is not going away.
The Nation, Pakistan - Alcohol, diabetes, hepatitis up liver cancer risk: study
Heavy alcohol use, diabetes, and viral hepatitis combine synergistically to raise the risk of developing liver cancer, according to a new report.
Science AAAS (USA) - Advisers Say NIH Should Merge Alcohol, Drug Abuse Institutes
A group of outside advisers to National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins has recommended merging the two NIH institutes that study alcoholism and drug abuse.
Sify (Russia) - Alcohol unaffected by recession in Russia
Production of alcohol such as vodka, beer and wine in Russia has not been affected by the global economic crisis, according to the federal statistics bureau Rosstat.
Medical News Today - Alcohol Consumption After Breast Cancer Diagnosis May Increase Recurrence Risk
In the Life After Cancer Epidemiology (LACE) study, 1,897 participants diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer between 1997 and 2000 and recruited on average 2 years post-breast cancer diagnosis were evaluated for the association between alcohol intake and breast cancer recurrence and death.
Wall Street Journal (Thailand) - Global Liquor Makers Fight Graphic Labels in Thailand
Alcohol companies world-wide are lining up to fight a Thai plan to require graphic warning labels about alcohol on the country's domestic and imported beer, wine and liquor bottles.
ABC Online (Australia) - Concern over alcohol related violence
There is concern over alcohol-related crime in the New South Wales south east, with assault and under-age drinking at alarming high levels.
TopNews United Kingdom (UK) - 90% of Youngsters Try Alcohol by 15
It has been revealed by the data gathered by the Australian Secondary Students Drug and Alcohol Survey that by the time young people turn 15, 90% of them try alcohol.
The Press Association (Scotland) - Caffeinated alcohol ban considered
The Scottish Government will "carefully consider" Labour calls to ban caffeinated alcoholic drinks such as Buckfast, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said.
ABC Online - Alcohol linked to early onset dementia
New research suggests that up to a fifth of all cases of early onset dementia are alcohol related.
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