Brussels Workshop on alcohol marketing on 22 June 10.30-12.00
What theory tells us about effective alcohol marketing regulations Results of the project Focus on Alcohol Safe Environments (FASE) Speaker: Anouk van den Broeck Msc. STAP – Dutch institute for alcohol policy
Keeping up appearances Comparing evidence based evaluations with monitoring exercises of the industry Speaker: Avalon de Bruijn Msc; on behalf of EUCAM (European Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing); www.EUCAM.info
The Loi Evin in theory and practice Example of a best practice of an alcohol marketing regulation in Europe Speaker: Dr. Michel Craplet, ANPAA
Talking about an alcohol marketing ban…why not? Elaborating about juridical obstacles for an alcohol marketing ban in Europe. Speaker: Dr. Markus Zöckler, Institut für Völkerrecht- Universität München
Please contact avandenbroeck@stap.nl for participation or further information