It is a sad fact that excessive drinking of alcohol has destructive effects on health and productivity. Our health experts agree on that.
Even the drinkers themselves know that not only are they invariably ill, their pockets are almost always empty and their heads too heavy to do any useful work the morning after the day before.
So does the World Health Organisation, which has been campaigning against excessive drinking, and has come to the conclusion that the best way out is to put alcohol beyond the reach of drinkers through high taxes, among other, more sensible measures.
At the same time, Finance Ministers have, seemingly, discovered one of the easiest ways to plug budget deficits: Slapping ‘‘sin tax’’ on alcohol every year.
While all these profound musings are going on, the health authorities know full well that if you price bottled alcoholic beverages beyond the means of the majority drinkers, they will only resort to unhygienic, dangerous brews which invariably make them twice as unproductive, impotent, blind or dead. . . . . . .