Key points summary
• all income groups purchase low price off sales alcohol (figures 1 and 6).
• the relationship between income group and the amount of alcohol purchased at the cheapest price (below 30p a unit) is not straightforward. Although the lowest income group buys more than the highest at this price, there is little difference between the middle income groups and the lowest (figure 2).
• at prices of 30p to 40p and 40p to 50p the amount purchased tends to increase with income (figures 3 and 4).
• middle-to-higher income groups are the main purchasers of alcohol priced between 30p and 50p (figure 5).
• for individual alcohol types (beer, lager, table wine and spirits), the lowest income groups purchase less than the average number of units below 30p and below 40p (figure 7)
• low income households are less likely to purchase off sales alcohol at all (table 2 and figure 8)
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