Individuals with substance use disorders typically show reduced amplitudes of the P3 component of the evoked potential and high scores on impulsivity and aggression measures.
The present study investigated the usefulness of P3 amplitude, addiction severity and impulsivity as predictors of treatment completion in substance dependence.
Forty-four participants (8 women), between the ages of 19 and 61 years old, who met DSM-IV-TR Axis I substance/alcohol dependence criteria were recruited for the present study. All participants were currently residents at a local substance abuse facility receiving treatment and had been free of all drug toxicity for a minimum of 21 days. The P3 was evoked using a standard rotated-heads oddball paradigm.
Significantly reduced P3 amplitude at Pz was found in patients who did not complete treatment compared to those who did.
P3 amplitude at Pz elicited by target stimuli correctly identified 76.2% of those who did complete the treatment and 46.7% of those who did not.
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