Next Steps on Alcohol Labelling
In May 2007 the Government announced its voluntary agreement with the alcohol industry to introduce, by the end of 2008, labels on the majority of alcoholic drinks containers showing unit and other health information, including advice to women on alcohol and pregnancy. A report was published, following the first stage of an independent market survey conducted by CCFRA (Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association) in March 2008, which showed the extent to which the elements of the labelling regime had been implemented.
In April 2009 a second stage monitoring survey was conducted. This survey found that the Government’s expectation that a majority of labels should be covered by the end of 2008 was a long way from being achieved. The latest report (2009) is available below.
The Government is launching a UK wide consultation on 15 February 2009 to consider how best to improve unit and health information for consumers on alcohol labels, whether through a renewed and strengthened voluntary agreement or a mandatory requirement through legislation under the Food Safety Act. The consultation is being launched jointly by the Department of Health, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government, and the Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.
The views of alcohol producers and other stakeholders for improving the labelling of alcoholic drinks is being sought.