Alcohol Research & Health Volume 32, Number 1, 2009
A Developmental Perspective on Underage Alcohol Use [PDF] Ann S. Masten; Vivian B. Faden; Robert A. Zucker; and Linda P. Spear
Developmental Processes and Mechanisms: Ages 0–10 [PDF] Robert A. Zucker; John E. Donovan; Ann S. Masten; Margaret E. Mattson; and Howard B. Moss
Transitions Into Underage and Problem Drinking: Summary of Developmental Processes and Mechanisms: Ages 10–15 [PDF] Michael Windle; Linda P. Spear; Andrew J. Fuligni; Adrian Angold; Jane D. Brown; Daniel Pine; Greg T. Smith; Jay Giedd; and Ronald E. Dahl
Underage Alcohol Use: Summary of Developmental Processes and Mechanisms: Ages 16–20 [PDF] Sandra A. Brown; Matthew McGue; Jennifer Maggs; John Schulenberg; Ralph Hingson; Scott Swartzwelder; Christopher Martin; Tammy Chung; Susan F. Tapert; Kenneth Sher; Ken C. Winters; Cherry Lowman; and Stacia Murphy
Overview of Preventive Interventions Addressing Underage Drinking: State of the Evidence and Steps Toward Public Health Impact [PDF]Richard Spoth; Mark Greenberg; and Robert Turrisi
Improving Treatment Through Research: Directing Attention to the Role of Development in Adolescent Treatment Success [PDF] Eric F. Wagner
Current State of Treatment for Alcohol and Other Drug Use Disorders in Adolescents [PDF] Deborah Deas and Andrew Clark