5th Meeting
Monday 19 October 2009, 11h00 – 17h00
Rue Froissart 101, B-1049 Brussels
Room 02-169
1) Welcome and introduction by the Chair
2) Quorum (Rules of Procedure art. 1.1)
3) Declaration of interests considered prejudicial to independence in relation to the items on the agenda (Rules of Procedure, Article 3.4)
4) Adoption of the agenda (Rules of Procedure, Article 11.6)
5) Election of a Chair among the members for a one-year term of office. Item 5 is chaired by the Commission. (Rules of Procedure, Article 2)
6) Formal adoption of the draft summary report of the Science Group's 4th meeting of 29 June 2009. Item 6 and onwards are chaired by the elected Chair.
7) Update on recent developments (Commission services).
8) Discussion on possible future topics for the Science Group.
9) Discussion on quality criteria applicable in the context of an EAHF database on activities and projects on alcohol and youth health. (Further information in accompanying document.)
10) Agreeing on date/s for next meeting/s.
11) Any other business.
Accompanying documents
• Rules of Procedure of the Science Group.
http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_determinants/life_style/alcohol/Forum/docs/science_rules_en.pdf • Summary report of the 4th meeting of the Science Group, 29 June 2009 (draft).
• Report of the EAHF Task Force on youth-related aspects of alcohol, 11 March 2009, including the draft paper to establish a Clearing House on activities and projects on alcohol and youth health.
http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_determinants/life_style/alcohol/Forum/docs/alcohol_forum_taskfreport_en.pdf eport_en.pdf