Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research Early View 31 August 2009
Prenatal exposure to moderate ethanol doses during late gestation modifies postnatal ethanol palatability and ingestion. The use of Pavlovian associative procedures has indicated that these prenatal experiences broaden the range of ethanol doses capable of supporting appetitive conditioning. Recently, a novel operant technique aimed at analyzing neonatal predisposition to gain access to ethanol has been developed. Experiment 1 tested the operant conditioning technique for developing rats described by Arias and colleagues (2007) and Bordner and colleagues (2008). In Experiment 2, we analyzed changes in the disposition to gain access to ethanol as a result of moderate prenatal exposure to the drug.
The present results suggest that late prenatal experience with ethanol changes the predisposition of the newborn to gain access to ethanol-related stimuli. In conjunction with prior literature, this study emphasizes the fact that intrauterine experience with ethanol not only augments ethanol's palatability and ingestion, but also facilitates the acquisition of response–stimulus associations where the drug acts as an intraoral reinforcer.
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