On 24 May 2008, the Sixty-first World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA61.4 on Strategies to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. The resolution requested the Director-General to prepare a draft global strategy to reduce harmful use of alcohol that is based on all available evidence and existing best practices and that addresses relevant policy options. The draft strategy should be submitted to the Sixty-third World Health Assembly, through the Executive Board.
This working document is intended to be the basis for continued collaboration and consultation with Member States during the drafting of the global strategy. Building on various regional initiatives, it reflects the outcomes of the regional consultations with Member States and consultations with other stakeholders. It provides background information, the aims and objectives, and target areas for actionby Member States.
Member States’ feedback on the content of the working document will help to shape the draft global strategy which will be submitted to the Executive Board at its 126th session in January 2010.