The Joint Commission has received funding from Partnership for Prevention and The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and their Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) in the Department of Health and Human Services to develop a set of performance measures to address assessing and treating tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use and dependence for all hospitalized patients.
The candidate measures address the following aspects of care: screening/assessment, treatment which includes brief interventions and if applicable, medication, and follow-up after hospital discharge and are listed below.
Measure ID#: Measure Name (TADD = Tobacco Alcohol & Drug Dependence)
TADD-1: Tobacco Use Assessment
TADD-2: Tobacco Use Treatment
TADD-3: Tobacco Use Treatment at Discharge
TADD-4: Tobacco Use Follow-up
TADD-5: Alcohol and Other Drug Use Screening
TADD-6: Alcohol and Other Drug Use and Dependence - Brief Intervention or Treatment
TADD-7: Alcohol and Other Drug Use and Dependence – Treatment Management at Discharge
TADD-8: Alcohol and Other Drug Use and Dependence – Follow-up for Unhealthy Use and/or Disorders
The Joint Commission is inviting public comment on a proposed set of 8 candidate measures that focus on assessing and treating tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use and dependence in the hospital setting.