To ensure that the millions of Americans suffering from addiction and mental health disorders are provided equitable health care coverage, the American Bar Association is calling on the Senate Committee on Finance to include in its health care bill the relevant provisions of P.L. 110-343, the “Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.” The ABA is asking for parity for mental health and addiction in all health care plans covered by the new legislation. Currently, the provisions only apply to certain employer-sponsored plans.
In a letter sent yesterday to the Senate Finance Committee, the ABA noted that "it is estimated that 22.6 million Americans needed treatment for a substance use problem in the past year, and only 18 percent of those needing substance use treatment received it.
"Providing parity in benefits for the treatment of these disorders on a par with benefits provided for other medical and surgical problems would make an enormous difference in the treatment of millions of Americans who desperately need it,” continued the letter.
A full copy of the letter, signed by ABA Governmental Affairs Office Director Thomas M. Susman, is posted at