The first few weeks of middle school are a frenzy of friends, parties, and school events. It’s also time for parents to start talking with their kids about the dangers of drinking alcohol, according to AAAS’s The Science Inside Alcohol Project.
According to the AAAS alcohol project, the middle school years are crucial in the battle to prevent early alcohol use. Young adolescents’ bodies and friendships are changing. They start pulling away from parents; yet seek out other adults for guidance. It’s the most vulnerable time, specialists say, but also one of the last times they still can be influenced by adults.
Thirty-five participants from academia, federal agencies and non-profits attended the 19 August workshop at AAAS. The workshop updated the S&T professionals on research and issues related to discrimination in their fields "Empirical findings are not fixed for all time," Chubin said. "They evolve." Added Sevo, "We wanted to interpret some of the concepts that rise out of the research and equip participants with the ability to cite the literature and authoritative statistics."
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