Alcohol and Alcoholism Advance Access published online on September 11, 2007
To determine cut-offs for the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) 10-item questionnaire, differentiating hazardous drinking (HZD) and alcohol use disorders (AUD) from low risk drinking (LRD), and AUD from HZD and LRD among married men in a Sri Lankan sample.
The area under the ROC curves to differentiate HZD + AUD from LRD and AUD from HZD + LRD were 0.96 and 0.97 respectively. The cut-off values of 7 and 16 were observed to have the best trade-offs between sensitivity, specificity, the ratio of positive likelihood to negative likelihood ratios, and positive predictive values.
The AUDIT could be used to screen for LRD, HZD, and AUD among Sinhalese married men in Sri Lanka.
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