FEN offers various training opportunities for parents, other caregivers and professionals who work with children and adults with FAS/FAE. Since the goal of our education is to assist all those individuals who are involved with the success of the child/adult with FAS in his/her community, our training is directed toward many disciplines: physicians, nurses, treatment center staff, AODA counselors, teachers, social workers, parents, criminal justice professionals, vocational counselors, counselors, and group home staff, to name a few. We offer many types of training sessions, ranging from one hour to one semester!
2007 Trainings:
An exciting series of three workshops have been developed for the fall of 2007. Join us for one or all! For a complete brochure detailing speakers and pricing, please contact Kristi Obmascher at kristi.obmascher@fammed.wisc.edu
6 hours of professional continuing education will be offered. Contact Kristi Obmascher for details.
All workshops will be held at St. Mary's Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin. A workshop confirmation, parking information and directions will be sent upon receipt of registration.
September 21, 2007: Young Children with FASD
This workshop will begin with an overview of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Developmental and mental health implications for children with FASD will be examined along with a model of providing support for families while providing skills-development for providers and caregivers who work with children.
October 26, 2007: Model Programs to Prevent Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies
Workshop faculty will present current information on the impact of alcohol on women and the effects of alcohol on pregnancy. Exciting new models and programs aimed at reducing alcohol-exposed pregnancies will be showcased. Participants will be provided with self-guided change publications for distribution to clients at-risk.
November 8, 2007: FASD Training of Trainers Annual Refresher
If you have completed the 4-day FASD Training of Trainers in Wisconsin, please contact Kristi Obmascher about attending this one-day refresher! Learn the exciting new advances in the field, and plan to stay for the November 9 workshop (see below)!
November 9, 2007: Providing Effective Substance Abuse Treatment and Aftercare for Adults with FASD
This workshop will explore the substance abuse treatment needs of adults with FASD. Screening and assessment materials for FASD will be provided, along with tips and tools for transition planning and addressing the vocational and residential needs of individuals with FASD.
2008 Trainings: April 3 - 4, 2008: National Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): Evidence-Based Strategies to Support Individuals, Families, and Communities Affected by FASD
This two-day national conference will offer keynote addresses, breakout sessions, poster presentations, and exhibits sharing state-of-the-art information and strategies for providers, families, and communities affected by FASD. Space is limited.
Attention: we will accept abstract submissions for workshop sessions or poster presentations. To be considered, requests must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, October 1, 2007. You may now submit an abstract online.
View: pre-registration information

View: abstract submission instructions

View: downloadable abstract submission form

Contributor: Peggy Seo Oba