Focus On:FTraining UpdateTraining Update
Conference Brochure and Registration Form Now Available for September RTI! The next PA Regional Drug and Alcohol Training Institute (RTI) is scheduled for September 26-28 in Johnstown, PA. These events are designed for substance abuse counselors, administrators, supervisors, case managers, prevention specialists, and community leaders throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Courses in our featured track - Serving Those Who Serve: Veterans and Their Families - include: PTSD, Stressors on Families of the Veteran, Homelessness, Women in the Military and Traumatic Brain Injury. These courses will be informative and appropriate for anyone working with adult populations. Administrative Track: Advanced Treatment Planning, Advanced Clinical Supervision, Understanding and Evaluating Research. General/Clinical Track: Binge Drinking, Substance Abuse of Generation X, Wings to Fly-A Faith-Based Approach to Treatment, and Motivational Interviewing. Prevention Track: Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training and Effective Group Strategies for Prevention Specialists. Special Populations: Problem Gambling Treatment Strategies, Problem Gambling-Finances and the Law, Issues of Women in the Criminal Justice System and Current Trends in Teen Sexual Behavior. We have also scheduled Plenary Sessions for Wednesday and Thursday mornings. In addition to the information you will receive, attending these one hour presentations will earn you up to two more CEUs! CLICK HERE FOR THE CONFERENCE BROCHURE http://www.ireta.org/ireta_main/JohnstownRTI.pdf On-line registration is available at http://www.ireta.org/ireta_main/training_events.htm#3 | ||||||||||||||||
AnnouncementsAnnouncementsCelebrate National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month 2007Join us for a celebration of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month sponsored by the Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions (IRETA), The Northeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center, (NeATTC) and Message Carriers. Recovery Month is an opportunity to highlight the benefits of substance use disorders treatment and encourage everyone to appreciate the journey of recovery by raising community awareness. Sports-Link, in its fourth year in Pittsburgh, is part of a national initiative to recognize National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. This year marks the 18th annual national observance of Recovery Month. After a successful launch with over 400 participants in 2004 we are anticipating an even stronger fourth year! For more information and to order tickets call Holly Hagle at 412-258-8565. The United States Senate passed S. Res. 225, a resolution designating August 2007 as "National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month." The move comes after recent studies have unveiled an alarming trend among young people who intentionally take large amounts of cough medicine to get "high" from the active ingredient dextromethorphan (DXM). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s Monitoring the Future Survey, conducted by the University of Michigan, 4 percent of eighth graders, 5 percent of 10th graders, and 7 percent of 12th graders reported having abused medicines containing the cough suppressant DXM in 2005 to get high. In addition, the Partnership for a Drug-Free America found that one in 10 teenagers-or about 2.4 million young people-reported having abused cough medicine to get high. S. Res. 225, which was introduced by Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr., (D-Del.) and enacted June 26, encourages parents to educate themselves and to talk to their teens about the dangers associated with medicine abuse... For more please visit: http://cadca.org/coalitionsonline/article.asp?id=1550 | ||||||||||||||||
Training and EventsTraining and Events
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Information SearchInformation SearchInformation Specialists in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania respond to information requests from the multi-disciplinary addiction prevention and treatment workforce providing a link between research and practice. http://www.neattc.org/information_search.htm |