Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Article in Press, Corrected Proof
online 18 April 2007
The aim of this Stage I Behavioral Development Trial was to develop a manual-based 12-session Women's Recovery Group (WRG) and to pilot test this new treatment in a randomized controlled trial against a mixed-gender Group Drug Counseling (GDC), an effective manual-based treatment for substance use disorders.
In this study, the newly developed 12-session women-focused WRG was feasible with high satisfaction among participants.
It was equally effective as mixed-gender GDC in reducing substance use during the 12-week in-treatment phase, but demonstrated significantly greater improvement in reductions in drug and alcohol use over the post-treatment follow-up phase compared with GDC.
A women-focused single-gender group treatment may enhance longer-term clinical outcomes among women with substance use disorders.
REPRINT REQUEST E-MAIL: shelly_greenfield@hms.harvard.edu