The Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) is a multi-site, multi-disciplinary undertaking with the overall goals of characterizing the familial transmission of alcoholism and related phenotypes and identifying susceptibility genes using genetic linkage. The study is being coordinated by the SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn (HSCB) under the leadership of Henri Begleiter. The study was initially funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) in 1989.
Interviewing and testing of COGA families is conducted at six university centers: SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, University of Connecticut, Indiana University, University of Iowa, University of California in San Diego, and Washington University. All six sites will carry out the identical study protocol. Most of these institutions continue to be responsible for maintaining scientific and procedural standards as well as quality control in their areas of expertise including Ascertainment, Psychiatric Assessment, Neurophysiology, Molecular Biology, and Genetic Analyses. The scope and scale of COGA also necessitates a complex data management system. The data management and repository functions are shared based on specialty by Washington University (clinical), Indiana University (pedigree), and SUNY (electrophysiology). Washington University doubles as the overall data management and repository coordinating center. In addition, a cell and DNA repository will be managed by Jay Tischfield now at Rutgers University.
Publications available as full text
Agrawal A, Edenberg H, Foroud T, Bierut L, Dunne G, Hinrichs A, Nurnberger J, Crowe R, Kuperman S, Schuckit M, Begleiter H, Porjesz B, Dick D. Association of GABRA2 with Drug Dependence in the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism Sample. Behav Genet 2006. Download PDF (full text)
Begleiter H, Porjesz B. Genetics of Human Brain Oscillations - Special Issue on Models and Theories on Brain Function with Special Emphasis on Cognitive Processing. Int J Psychophysiol 2006; 60:162-171. Download PDF (full text)
Wang J, Dunn G, Porjesz B, Begleiter H, Hesselbrock V. Linkage Analyses of IQ in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) Sample. Behav Genet 2006; 36(1):77-86. Download PDF (full text)
Dick D, Bierut L, Hinrichs A, Fox L, Bucholz K, Kramer, Kuperman S, Hesselbrock V, Schukit M, Almasy L, Tischfield J, Porjesz B, Begleiter H, Nurnberger J, Xuei X, Edenberg H, Foroud T. The Role of GABRA2 in Risk for Conduct Disorder and Alcohol and Drug Dependence Across Different Development Stages. Behav Genet - Special Issue on Substance Use 2006 Mar 24 Download PDF (full text)
Dick D, Jones K, Saccone N, Hinrichs A, Wang J, Goate A, Bierut L, Almasy L, Schuckit M, Hesselbrock V, Tischfield J, Foroud T, Edenberg H, Porjesz B, Begleiter H. Endophenotypes Successfully Lead to Gene Identification: Results from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism. Behav Genet 2006; 36(1):112-126. Download PDF (full text)
Dick D, Plunkett J, Flury L, Xuei X, Goate A, Hesselbrock V, Schuckit M, Crowe R, Edenberg H, Foroud T. Association Between GABRA1 and Drinking Behaviors in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism Sample. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2006; 30(7):1101-1110. Download PDF (full text)
Duncan A, Neuman R, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Hesselbrock V, Bucholz K. Lifetime Psychiatric Comorbidity of Alcohol Dependence and Bulimia Nervosa in Women. Drug Alcohol Depend 2006 Jan 30. Download PDF (full text)
Edenberg H, Xuei X, Chen HJ, Tian H, Flury-Wetherill L, Dick D, Almasy L, Bierut L, Bucholz K, Goate A, Hesselbrock V, Kuperman S, Nurnberger J, Porjesz B, Rice J, Schukit M, Tischfield J, Begleiter H, Foroud T. Association of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Genes with Alcohol Dependence: A Comprehensive Analysis. Hum Mol Genet 2006; 15(9):1539-1549. Download PDF (full text)
Gogineni A, King S, Jackson K, Kramer J, Bucholz K, Chan G, Iacono W, Kuperman S, Larkins J, Longabaugh R, McGue M, Polgreen L, Sher K, Stout R, Strong D, Woolard R. Female Offspring of Alcoholic Individuals: Recent Findings on Alcoholism and Psychopathology Risks: Symposium Presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism, 2004, Aruna Gogineni, Chair. Alcohol Clin Res Exp 2006; 30(2):377-387. Download PDF (full text)
Grucza R, Cloninger CR, Bucholz K, Constantino J, Schuckit M, Dick D, Bierut L. Novelty Seeking as a Moderator of Familial Risk for Alcohol Dependence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2006; 30(7):1176-1183. Download PDF (full text)
Hinrichs A, Wang J, bufe B, Kwon J, Budde J, Allen R, Bertelsen S, Evans W, Dick D, Rice J, Foroud T, Nurnberger Jr., J, Tischfield J, Kupperman S, Crowe R, Hesselbrock V, Schuckit M, Almasy L, Begleiter H, Porjesz B, Edenberg H, Meyerhof W, Bierut L, Goate A. Functional Variant in a Bitter Taste Receptor (hTAS2R16) Influences Risk for Alcohol Dependence. Am J Hum Genet 2006; 78(1):103-111. Download PDF (full text)
Padmanabhapillai A, Porjesz B, Ranganathan M, Jones K, Chorlian D, Tang Y, Kamarajan C, Rangaswamy M, Stimus A, Begleiter H. Suppression of Early Evoked Gamma Band Response in Male Alcoholics During a Visual Oddball Task. Int J Psychophysiol 2006; 60(1):15-26. Download PDF (full text)
Schuckit M, Windle M, Smith T, Hesselbrock V, Ohannessian C, Averna S, Bauer L, Kramer J, Bucholz K, Sher K. Searching for the Full Picture: Structural Equation Modeling in Alcohol Research. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2006; 30(2):194-202. Download PDF (full text)