The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has funded the New England Research Institutes (NERI), Addiction Technology Transfer Center of New England (ATTC-NE) and the Boston University School of Social Work (BUSSW) to design, develop, and test an interactive web course to teach the principles and skills of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The web course is based on many sources including NIDA's treatment manual on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. This study includes an 8-module web course as well as audio taping of counselor-client sessions and other data collection.
NIDA R01#DA016929
TEACH-CBT: Why Participate?
This study is testing a novel web-based training course to address the lack of opportunity for in-service training and continuing education for social workers and substance abuse counselors. The TEACH-CBT program is designed to train substance abuse counselors to use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to assist alcohol and drug dependent individuals reduce their use and become abstinent from drugs and other substances. The TEACH-CBT training approach will provide the counselor with skills to use CBT and help clients:
- Recognize the situations in which they are most likely to use drugs
- Avoid high risk situations when appropriate
- Cope more effectively with a range of problems and problematic behaviors that trigger drug abuse behavior.
About Our Study
A randomized controlled trial with 120 counselor participants from substance abuse agencies across the country will assess the effectiveness of the TEACH-CBT web course compared to a Training Manual.
The study will take approximately 6 months for participants to complete. Participation includes both the web course or Training Manual, audio taping of 8 client sessions, and completing questionnaires. Two counselors from each agency, a supervisor, and a study liaison will be recruited. Geographically independent treatment units from the same parent organization can participate as separate agencies. Participants will be randomized to either receive the web course immediately or receive the Training Manual first and then receive the web course after a delay of about 6 months.
The Course
The web course contains 8 modules inclusive of approximately 10-15 hours of online training and offline assignments. It is interactive, has email reminders, is available 24/7 and provides handouts and discussion boards. By engaging the user with interactivity, exercises, and presenting material in multiple formats, TEACH-CBT intends to provide an unique training opportunity.
While all study participants will have access to the web course, you have a 50% chance of being assigned to training using the Training Manual first with the web course available after all data collection is complete.
The Timeline
The study is currently accepting applications. The counselors and agency must complete an application and then we will call counselors to confirm eligibility and interest.
The Payment
Participants will be paid $10 for each audio tape submitted and a $50 bonus for completing all study data collection and will be eligible to receive 16 continuing education credits upon completion of the web course. The course has been approved for 16 Category I Social Work Continuing Education Credits issued by the Boston University School of Social Work. Counselors may submit the CEC certificate to their local Board of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors and professional organization.
To be eligible as a counselor for this study you must:
- Hold a Bachelor's degree with certification or licensure or a graduate degree in a counseling profession
- Work in a program that allows at least 6 individual sessions with clients
- Work in a substance abuse agency
- Have no previous advanced training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Supervisor Workshop
We offer supervisor workshops on an ongoing basis. Once enrolled, study supervisors will be contacted to sign up for the workshop.
The Application
The study is now accepting applications. Click here to download a copy of the application package.
If you have additional questions or wish to receive the application package by regular mail, please click here or email teachcbt@neriscience.com. You may also call us at 1-800-775-6374, ext. 640. Please provide your name and telephone number or email address, and we will provide you with further information.
Study investigators are:
Mary Jo Larson, PhD, New England Research Institutes
Maryann Amodeo, PhD, Boston University School of Social Work
Susan Storti, PhD, RN ATTC-NE