Taylor and Dhillon disparage the ‘drumbeat for codification’ for a Framework Convention on Alcohol Control FCAC), inspired by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control(FCTC). Cogently arguing that the time is not ripe and that a ‘failed legal strategy could delay meaningful global legal action for years to come’, they urge postponement of a legally binding international treaty in favor of alternative non-binding legal strategies [1].
This commentator, a drummer for a FCAC, wishing that the conditions were prime to better address the global catastrophe of alcohol problems, reluctantly acknowledges their pragmatic arguments. But, rather than focus on the weaknesses of global alcohol control,the movement’s human capital, institutional and intangible assets can/should be strategically strengthened, linked and leveraged toward implementing a FCAC sooner rather than later. > > > > Read More