Special issue of papers presented at an international Kettil Bruun Society thematic meeting on alcohol epidemiology and policy held in Kampala, Uganda. November 15-18, 2010. Alcohol Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Policy: Translating Research into Effective Prevention, Treatment and Policy
Table of Contents
Welcome to the International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research | |
Kathryn Graham, John D. Clapp, Editors-in-Chief |
More than just another addiction journal: KBS and social epidemiology come of age | |
Thomas F. Babor, IJADR Advisory Board |
A call to support the new KBS journal | |
Charles D.H. Parry, IJADR Advisory Board |
Why do we need yet another journal? | |
Jürgen Rehm, IJADR Advisory Board Chair, Bruce G. Pollock, VP Research, CAMH |
Toward new comparative understandings | |
Kerstin Stenius, IJADR Advisory Board |
Introduction to the Special Issue
Global perspective on alcohol research: Facilitating interdisciplinary and international collaborations to address prevailing challenges | |
Monica H. Swahn, Nazarius M. Tumwesigye, Special Issue Consulting Editors |
Psycho-spatial predictors of alcohol use among motor drivers in Ibadan, Nigeria: Implications for preventing vehicular accidents | |
Gboyega E. Abikoye |
Community-based prevention of alcohol-related injuries: Possibilities and experiences | |
Marja Holmila, Katariina Warpenius |
Alcohol and inequity in the process of development: Contributions from ethnographic research | |
Laura A. Schmidt, Robin Room |
Socio-economic determinants for alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking in a Ugandan student population | |
Martin Stafström |
Intoxication before last sexual encounter and HIV risk behavior among men and women in Uganda: Evidence from a nationwide survey | |
Nazarius M. Tumwesigye, Rhoda K. Wanyenze, Tom K. Greenfield |
Distress and drinking: Cross-cultural connections and contexts | |
Richard Wilsnack, Arlinda F. Kristjanson, Sharon C. Wilsnack, Perry W. Benson |
Longitudinal Analysis of Papers Presented at Past Kettil Bruun Society Meetings
Social and epidemiological research on alcohol: Research presented at meeting of the Kettil Bruun Society between between1983 and 2010. | |
Henk Garretsen, Miranda Audenaerdt, Ien van de Goor, Dike van de Mheen, Diana Roeg, Rosalie van der Sar, Tim Schoenmakers |