2012 Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts Now Open
The American Public Health Association is announcing the Call for Abstracts for the 2012 Annual Meeting to be held October 27-31 in San Francisco, CA. The theme is Prevention and Wellness Across the Lifespan.
We encourage abstracts in all areas of public health and are also interested in abstracts that focus on the Annual Meeting theme. All abstracts must be submitted online. An easy to use online form will walk you through the process step-by-step. The deadlines for submission of abstracts range from Feburary 6-10, 2012 depending on the Section, SPIG, Caucus or Forum to which you wish to submit your abstract. All submissions will end at 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time on the due date listed on the Call for Abstracts. No late submissions will be accepted.
You do not need to be an APHA member to submit an abstract. However, if your abstract is accepted for presentation, the presenting author MUST become an APHA Individual member and MUST register for the Annual Meeting by the September advance registration deadline. Submission of an abstract implies a commitment to make the presentation at the annual meeting, therefore please make sure you understand what is required of you before submitting.