The 9th meeting of the Committee on National Alcohol Policy and Action (CNAPA) took place on 17 November 2011. For the first time Member States were represented at senior level, in addition to regular CNAPA members. Attendance was very high. The meeting was chaired by Despina Spanou, Principal Advisor with DG Health and Consumers and Chair of the European Alcohol and Health Forum (EAHF).
The Director-General for Health and Consumers, Paola Testori Coggi set the scene. She highlighted that it is important to take stock of what has been achieved through the current EU Alcohol Strategy and to start shaping a common vision for the Commission's work on alcohol and health after 2012. She put the work to reduce alcohol related harm in the context of recent developments such as the UN Summit on Non Communicable Diseases in which alcohol was confirmed as one of the four major risk factors. She emphasised the need to protect children and young people. Paola Testori-Coggi concluded by inviting Member States to take an active role in the evaluation of the alcohol strategy, and to provide the necessary political support for work on alcohol related harm after 2012. > > > > Read More