EPHA (EU) - 68 NGOs call of a new EU alcohol strategy
Under Eurocare’s leadership, 68 international, European and National NGOs (including EPHA) joined forces to call for a comprehensive Alcohol Policy Strategy in the European Union 2013-2020.
BusinessWeek (USA) - Black and Asian Teens Have Lowest Rates of Drug and Alcohol Use
Black and Asian teenagers in the U.S. are less likely to use alcohol or drugs than adolescents of other races, a study found.
AHN | All Headline News - Teenage girls up breast cancer risk with every alcoholic drink
Among teen girls with a family history of breast cancer, there is a significant association between the amount of alcohol consumed and the risk of getting benign breast disease, which is a known breast cancer risk factor.
BBC News (UK) - Alcohol policy a joke, says British Liver Trust
Government-led policies on alcohol throughout the UK have been branded a joke by the chief executive of the charity the British Liver Trust.
MedPage Today - Alcohol-Inflamed Livers Benefit from Early Transplant
Early liver transplantation for severe alcoholic hepatitis boosts survival, whereas adding an antioxidant to medical therapy may not, studies showed.
Times of India (UK) - Alcohol, obesity main cause of cancer
Alcohol and obesity are to be blamed for the alarming rate of throat and liver cancer in the UK as compared to anywhere else in Europe, a new study has claimed.
The Press Association (Northern Ireland) - Action urged over alcohol abuse
Alcohol abuse claims 266 lives in Northern Ireland every year, doctors have warned. With the estimated cost of alcohol misuse across society in the region standing at almost £700 million, the British Medical Association NI (BMA) has called for action on the problem.
MarketWatch (USA) - Should Liquor Sales Be Privatized, asks Pennsylvanians Concerned about Alcohol Problems
Recently Governor Thomas Corbett announced that an independent study reported that if the state were to sell off the state store system to private operators the state of Pennsylvania would realize an estimated one and half billion dollars.
Daily Mail - Fatherhood maketh the man: Smoking, alcohol even crime all drop in men who become dads
Becoming a father really can help men ditch bad habits, a study has found. Men who become dads for the first time tend to steer away tobacco, alcohol even crime, say researchers from Oregon State University.
The Daily Iowan (USA) - One year after 21-ordinance vote, alcohol-related ER visits drop
Fewer University of Iowa students are going to the emergency room because of alcohol, newly-released data show. But some in the community disagree on whether the statistics represent a change in dangerous drinking behavior.
Irish Times (Ireland) - Surge in alcohol abuse reported
The number of people treated for alcohol abuse increased by almost 50 per cent in five years, according to figures just published. The report, Treated Problem Alcohol use in Ireland 2005 to 2010 , from the Health Research Board, says 42,333 cases presented with alcohol as the main problem substance during the five year period.
Stuff.co.nz (New Zealand) - Alcohol and violence 'a deadly mix'
It is only a matter of time before someone dies of alcohol-related violent assault in Nelson, a senior Emergency Department doctor at Nelson Hospital says.
Forbes (Russia) - Russian Alcohol Consumption is Mildly Decreasing
It’s not the most in-depth analysis of Russian drinking patterns I’ve ever seen, but I did want to briefly flag this post from the Financial Times’ always excellent Beyond BRICS because it shows that Russian alcohol consumption is not some mythical entity that is totally immune to amelioration or modification.
Waterloo Record - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder requires new approach
Often all people see in a child with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is their bad behaviour. “The behaviours make it difficult to deal with the kid in many cases,” said Allan Mountford, who teaches in a special program that helps troubled teenagers transition to high school.
BBC News (England/Wales) - Below-cost alcohol to be banned from April
A ban on the sale of alcohol below a minimum price will be introduced in England and Wales from 6 April 2012.
The Australian (Australia) - Women still drink and smoke while pregnant
ONE in five pregnant women smoke and 38 per cent drink alcohol, a study has found. It is to be released today. Carried out by the Australian Institute of Family Studies, it uses data from Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, which has tracked more than 10,000 children since 2004.
AdWorld (Ireland) - Alcohol Marketing Debate Gathers Steam
The debate about alcohol marketing and its impact on consumption patterns in Ireland stepped up a few gears this week at a meeting of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health & Children.
Irish Times (Ireland) - Half of alcohol drinkers 'damaging their health'
HALF OF all people who drink alcohol in Ireland do so at levels that are damaging their health, an Oireachtas committee has heard.
The West Australian (Australia) - Health concerns over alcohol in music videos
Australia's advertising watchdog has admitted it is powerless to stop an emerging trend of "product placement" of alcohol in music videos watched by millions of teenagers.
The Guardian (UK) - Smoking and drinking in pregnancy 'harms 10,000 babies in UK each year'
An estimated 6,000 of the UK’s 800,000 babies a year are born with some form of fetal alcohol spectrum, which can cause brain damage, physical problems and learning disabilities.
The Guardian - Heavy drinking in pregnancy can alter unborn babies' brains, study shows
Heavy drinking during pregnancy could alter the genetic makeup of unborn babies' brains, causing mental and behavioural problems.
Fiji Times (Fiji) - Survey links alcohol use in schools to peer pressure
A SURVEY by the National Substance Abuse Advisory Council (NSAAC) has found that students in the Central Division feature in the most number of alcohol abuse cases.
IceNews (Iceland) - Icelandic alcohol producer complains about too-high tax
The Icelandic government takes 90 percent of the sale price of vodka, the president of the country’s biggest drinks company says — claiming that the black market for illegally produced home made hard liquors is thriving as a result.
Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) - Authorities take hard line on unlicensed serving of alcohol beverages on Restaurant Day
Next week, police will keep an eye on people who set up restaurants for one day in order that they would not sell alcohol in addition to food.
The Local (Sweden) - Drunk drivers get shorter sentences: study
Sober drivers who injure another person in traffic often receive longer prison sentences than drunk drivers, according to new research from the Swedish National Road and Transport Institute (Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut - VTI).