This report summarises Substance Misuse Statistics for Wales, 2010-11. It has been compiled by Welsh Government in collaboration with NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) and Public Health Wales.
1.1. Part 1 includes statistics from the Welsh National Database for Substance Misuse. The profile of referrals during 2010-11 to substance misuse treatment services is described as well as treatment service activity between 2007-08 and 2010-11.
1.2. Part 2 provides additional substance misuse related information currently available from routinely published sources in Wales to support and add to the information gained through the Welsh National Database for Substance Misuse. Evidence is drawn from a number of data sources including information from the hospital admission data (Patient Episode Database Wales (PEDW)), Office for National Statistics (ONS) information, Home Office and Education data. Key points are summarised on page 54.
1.3. The database guidance and information about the Welsh Government’s Substance Misuse policy and key performance indicators can be obtained at http:/
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