An independent study by the Institute for Criminal Policy Research (at Birkbeck, University of London) has found that probationers on alcohol treatment requirements (ATRs) reduced the overall rate of their known offending by 60 per cent. However the rate of reduction was identical to that for a matched comparison group of alcohol misusers supervised prior to the introduction of ATRs - though it found the ATR group had different and often more complex needs. This is likely to have presented a range of challenges to the Probation Trust concerned in meeting the supervision and treatment needs of the ATR cohort. > > > > Read More
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Report finds ATRs reduce consumption and 'related' crime, but do not address all alcohol-related needs
An independent study by the Institute for Criminal Policy Research (at Birkbeck, University of London) has found that probationers on alcohol treatment requirements (ATRs) reduced the overall rate of their known offending by 60 per cent. However the rate of reduction was identical to that for a matched comparison group of alcohol misusers supervised prior to the introduction of ATRs - though it found the ATR group had different and often more complex needs. This is likely to have presented a range of challenges to the Probation Trust concerned in meeting the supervision and treatment needs of the ATR cohort. > > > > Read More