The purpose of this netpublikation is to give municipalities a status on alcohol field and to identify future challenges. The desire is that publication's figures may contribute to the planning and development of municipal alcohol action.
Prevention, early intervention and treatment of alcohol area is an important area for municipalities. Alcohol is very important for the Danish health. European figures show that alcohol causes 17% of the total disease burden. With local government reform the municipalities have been given a major responsibility on both the preventive and the therapeutic area as under the municipal responsibility for the citizen-oriented prevention and municipalities responsible for publicly funded alcohol treatment.
Alcoholic significant expenditure in the municipalities. The municipal spending is among the second to the financing of hospital care for people treated for effects of excessive alcohol consumption and alcohol treatment. But also for social spending in particular care of citizens, transfer income and expenses for relatives - including the placement of children outside the home.
When the number of people in publicly funded alcohol treatment or medical held up in comparison to the number of alcohol-dependent, it indicates that there is a pending location. Prevention and treatment options are good and there is therefore a great potential to exploit these more than it does today.