The purpose of this study was to investigate the cross-sectional relationship between alcohol-expectancy dimensions and alcohol consumption and to examine whether this relationship is modified by age.
Data from the 2003 German Epidemiological Survey on Substance Abuse were used (N = 6,099 subjects, ages 18-59 years). Alcohol expectancies were assessed using five dimensions of the Comprehensive Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire: social assertiveness, tension reduction, sexual enhancement, cognitive impairment, and aggression. Alcohol consumption within the last 30 days was assessed by the number of drinking days and a beverage-specific quantity-frequency measure.
All expectancy dimensions, except for sexual enhancement, were related to alcohol consumption. Results further revealed age differences between three expectancy dimensions and alcohol consumption.
The association of social assertiveness and sexual enhancement with drinking frequency, as well as with average daily intake, was stronger among younger respondents compared with respondents ages 30 years and older.
In addition, older respondents with high expectations of cognitive impairment drank lower amounts of alcohol compared with younger respondents at the same level of expectation.
Future research on alcohol expectancies should use multidimensional alcohol-expectancy instruments rather than measure only positive and negative alcohol expectancies.
Age modifies the relationship between alcohol-expectancy dimensions and drinking and needs to be taken into account.
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