In April 2008 the Chief Medical Officer was asked by the Secretaries of State for Health and for Children, Schools and Families to prepare guidance on the consumption of alcohol by children and young people.
Over the last decade, public concern about the impact of alcohol on health and society has steadily mounted.
Particular concern has centred on the level and pattern of drinking among children and young people and its consequences on health, crime, violence and antisocial behaviour.
The key role of the Chief Medical Officer is to provide, for the Government and the public, advice without fear or favour. The best scientific evidence has been sought and used as the basis not just for presenting the facts, but also for making well-founded policy recommendations.
The work to support the Department of Health in producing this report has been carried out by Professor Mark Bellis and his team at the Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University. . . . .
Download Guidance on the consumption of alcohol by children and young people (PDF)
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