Policies for Reducing Problems Associated with Alcohol Availability
The 15th in a series of conferences on the avoidance of alcohol-related problems using public policy strategies
TBA during either the second half of 2010 or first half of 2011
Washington, DC (tentative)
Why now?
The new federal administration has signaled a renewed interest in science and public health. Meanwhile, states and localities are facing increased demand for public services in the face of declining revenues. Evidence-based alcohol policy can reduce alcohol problems and resultant social costs, simultaneously generating revenue (alcohol excise taxes and other user fees) to promote public health and safety.
Who should attend?
We welcome an anticipated attendance of up to 300 participants, including community-based practitioners, public officials, and researchers from across North America and beyond.
More information
Call for abstracts, scholarship availability, exhibit opportunities, and accommodations forthcoming via silvergategroup.com/ap15. Reach Silver Gate Group staff by e-mail – tomc@silvergategroup.com.
Read More Conference Infgormation (PDF)