Request for evaluation reports of alcohol interventions delivered in schools
The NCCDP has been commissioned by NICE to undertake a review of interventions delivered in primary and secondary schools which aim to prevent and/or reduce alcohol use by children and young people under 18 years old. The results of this review will be used to inform the development of NICE guidance for use in primary and secondary schools on preventing and reducing alcohol consumption. For further information on NICE and the development of this guidance please go to: http://www.nice.org.uk/page.aspx?o=350203&c=296726
As part of this process, we are seeking evaluation reports of alcohol interventions delivered in schools in your local or regional area. As such, we are writing to ask if it would be possible for you to send through any information relating to the following:
Copies of any evaluation reports or research into relevant alcohol interventions;
Information regarding any evaluations or original pieces of research that you may be currently undertaking;
Copies of any research that is currently under review or in press;
Notifications of expected publishing dates for any forthcoming pieces of work.
There will be a further opportunity to submit evidence in April/May 2007 directly to NICE as part of the consultation on the assembled evidence.
Any information supplied will be gratefully received and will be used to inform the review and may help to frame the development of national guidance. We will acknowledge all assistance in the final publication.
Please send all reports and/or bibliographic details to Clare Lushey at NCCDPinfo@ljmu.ac.uk