SAMHSA's Road to Recovery Update
The Road to Recovery Update keeps you informed about activities leading up to National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) in September. Feel free to forward this information to friends and colleagues, include it in newsletters or listservs, or link to it from your Web site.
First Webcast
"The Road to Recovery 2007" premieres Wednesday, February 7th. This Webcast is the first in a series of nine programs in anticipation of the 18th annual National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, the theme of which is "Join the Voices of Recovery: Saving Lives, Saving Dollars." The Webcast will look back at Recovery Month events across the country in 2006 and set the stage for another successful celebration in September 2007. In addition, The Road to Recovery 2007 will help individuals, organizations, and communities plan and host successful events to raise awareness about the benefits of addiction treatment and recovery.
Voices for RecoveryYour help needed! Individuals can post their stories of recovery directly on the Recovery Month Web site. We must receive a hold harmless form by the party before their story is posted. Please help us spread the word to get people from across the country to submit their personal stories. Visit http://www.recoverymonth.gov/2007/voices/default.aspx for more information.
Planning Partners Meeting
We held the first 2007 Recovery Month Planning Partners meeting on Friday, January 19th in Washington, DC. Discussion surrounding the 2008 Recovery Month Observance was a focal point on the agenda. Thank you to everyone in attendance.
About Recovery Month
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, celebrating 18 years of observance in 2007, is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA's) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). For more information about Recovery Month, visit http://www.recoverymonth.gov/.
Recovery Updates as of 02/07/07
Recovery Month Events: 47
Proclamations: 0
Voices for Recovery: 3
Your Help Needed!Click here to email back ideas for content on the Recovery Month site or for future Road to Recovery Updates.
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